Assistive Technology
For school-age students, AT devices and services are those that provide access to the general education curriculum and/or a means to meet IEP goals. AT devices and services may be needed for alternative augmentative communication, computer access, written communication, environmental control, or for sensory (auditory or visual) access. AT may encompass both hi-tech and low-tech solutions and allows many students with disabilities to function effectively in the general education curriculum and to meet their educational goals.
It is important to note that assistive devices are one of the special factors that should be considered in the development, review, or revision of the IEP for every student. While not every student with an IEP needs AT, the need should be considered by all teams in the IEP process. The Local Education Agency is responsible for providing devices and services as specified on the IEPs.
Assistive technology includes, but is not limited to:
- academic and learning aids (support for reading, spelling, writing, math, and organizational and study skills)
- visual aids for visually impaired and blind (talking dictionary, Braille Writer, CCTV)
- augmentative communication (AAC-object or symbol-based displays, switch access, low-mid-high tech communication devices)
- computer access and instruction (keyboard adaptations, touch screen access, voice input)
- pre-vocational and vocational aids (recreation/leisure, environmental control)
An Overview of Assistive Technology
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Melissa M. Wyllie
Director of Special Education
724-458-6700 x1206
Nicky McCall
Secretary to the Director of Special Education
724-458-6700 ext. 1207