Act 48 FAQs
Act 48 Questions & Answers for MIU IV Employees
How do I access my Act 48 records on the PA Department of Education website?
You may access your records at:, click on access services.
Is there a directory of approved providers in Pennsylvania?
Yes, you may obtain a directory of approved providers at Click on Act 48 Continuing Professional Education then View Approved Providers.
What are the restraints in terms of increments of time that can be reported, based on attendance at a professional education activity?
Professional Education activities must be at least one hour in length and, thereafter, no less than half hour increments.
Should a Pre-Approval and Participant Data Form be submitted to MIU IV if the activity is sponsored by an approved provider other than MIU IV?
Pre-Approval Forms are no longer required.
How do I get college/university credits from a PA college to the right place?
Request the Registrar’s Office send the record via the website to the Act 48 Reporting System. You will need to give them permission to use your certificate number (same as social security number) to send that record via the Internet. When they download the credit record to the Act 48 reporting system, you will be able to check the system and see your records to verify they have been entered into your file.
Who is responsible for entering Act 48 credits for out-of-state colleges and universities?
If an accredited out of state college or university refuses to enter the data, you must submit official transcripts to: Dr. Ed Volbrecht, Director, Division of School Improvement/ Professional Development, PA Department of Education, 333 Market Street, 8th Floor, Harrisburg, PA 17126. Please include name, home address, phone number , PPID number and social security number. Also, you must submit a copy of your transcript to Brenda Marino, Esq., Director of MIU IV Human Resources
How many Act 48 hours are awarded for one CEU (Continuing Education Unit)?
10 Act 48 hours are equal to one CEU.
Is a professional educator who holds a PA Teaching Certificate issued prior to 1967 entered in the PDE’s Record Management System?
Educators with a PA teaching certificate issued prior to 1967 may not be in PDE’s Record Management System. Educators who possess their original certificate or a copy of it, should complete the PDE Form 338U: Educator File Update Request (available on the PDE website:, and forward it to the Bureau of Teacher Certification and Preparation. Educators will be added to the database; however, no certificate will be issued. There is no fee for this.
I earned many more hours than needed for Act 48; can I use those hours for the next cycle?
There is no provision in Act 48 to carry over or “bank” excess hours to the next compliance period.
Can the provider correct an Act 48 discrepancy, such as a double entry or incorrect date?
Yes, please contact the provider and they will correct any discrepancies in credits reported.
How does being retired impact on Act 48?
Being retired is specific to work status and separate from an educator’s certificate. The certificate issued for 99 years will continue throughout your lifetime and it falls under the requirements known as Act 48 1999-48, Professional Development. The status of the certificate will be either ACTIVE or INACTIVE, depending upon achieving the required professional education. An educator with an Inactive status may substitute teach for up to 90 days per school year. Those retirees planning to teach in a public school for greater than 90 days per year must maintain ACTIVE status.
What happens if I inadvertently allow my certificate to become invalid?
You will be immediately notified that you have been suspended without pay until the next MIU IV Board of Directors meeting at which time the Board will act on your dismissal.
How do I obtain my Professional Personnel ID?
Go to:, click on Act 48 Continuing Professional Education then on Get Your Professional ID.
How do I notify PDE of a Name Change?
Become a registered user on PDE's homepage at: Click on the teacher's link in the center of the homepage, then click on TIMS (Teacher Information Management System), then Access Tims to request a name change.
How do I notify PDE of an address change?
Become a registered user on PDE's homepage at: Click on the teacher's link in the center of the homepage, then click on TIMS (Teacher Information Management System), then Access Tims to request a n address change.
Are the MIU IV Act 48 forms available on-line?
Yes. Go to:, scroll down to "Quicklinks" then click on Act 48 forms. From there you can download and print the forms.