Eligibility Criteria & Identification Process of Homeless Children
Eligibility Criteria
Homeless Children ages birth through 21 years of age who may still be eligible for educational services in regular or special education (including early intervention and preschool).
How We Identify Homeless Children:
• Homeless Children ages birth through 21 years of age who may still be eligible for educational services in regular or special education (including early intervention and preschool).
• Homeless Children are found in the following places or situations:
• Public or private shelters;
• Public or private places not designated for ordinarily used as regular sleeping accommodations for human beings –vehicles, parks, motels, campgrounds, etc.;
• Living with parents in a domestic violence shelter;
• Individuals and/or families living with relatives or friends due to lack of housing;
• Runaway children (under 18 years of age) and children and youth who have been abandoned or forced out of home by parents or other caretakers (including such youth from 18 through 21 years of age who may still be eligible for educational services in regular or special education);
• Children of migrant families who lack adequate housing; or
• School-age, unwed mothers or expectant mothers living in houses for unwed mothers when they have no other available living accommodations
Wendy Kinnear
Region 5 Coordinator
724-458-6700 ext. 1289