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State and Federal Programs


State & Federal Liaison offers comprehensive services including the coordination of area school district contacts with the PA Legislature, the PA Department of Education and other state and federal agencies and the securing of grants available for special projects.


Federal Programs Administration
This service assures fiscal compliance of federal programs such as W-RAST, Teen Parenting, Title I, Title IIA, Title ID, Title IV, the Homeless Initiative and others.


Federal Programs Consortium
The largest in the State, this consortium coordinates the application, administration, evaluation and fiscal responsibility for participating districts for Title I, Title IIA, Title ID and,Title IV.


Title I State Parent Resource Center (SPAC)
In partnership with the PA Department of Education and the State Parent Advisory Council (SPAC), MIU IV provides free parenting and education resources for Title I parents. The center also provides parenting training workshops and awards mini-contracts to schools for parent involvement activities. Hotline: 1-800-942-8035 or <>.  For more information about the Title I State Parent Resource Center (SPAC), please contact Carrie Fusco.

