Secondary Transition Services
Preparing students for life after they leave high school is the goal of Secondary Transition. Preparation includes planning and participation in post-secondary education or training, employment, community living, and making connections with agencies. Referred to as "post-school goals", these areas are the foundation of all Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) written for students age 14 and older unless deemed necessary at a younger age.
Transition planning begins with the student exploring what their post-school goals are through career awareness exploration activities. It continues through high school as instruction and community experiences that will support these goals. By beginning to discuss transition early in school, the IEP team can work with each student and his/her family to select courses of study appropriate for the student's future. Transition should be thought of as a bridge between school and the opportunities of adult life, including higher education, employment, independent living and community participation.
Transition planning involves a partnership between the student, the family, school-age services and program providers, post-secondary services and program providers, and local community members. Effective transition involves collaborative planning among all these entities. By recognizing the student's current strengths, interests, preferences, and needs, together the partners can design services and supports that a student will need to achieve future success.
Richael Fertig
Supervisor of Special Education
724.287.4156 x1331