Feeding and Swallowing
Our Feeding and Swallowing team supports students with feeding and swallowing difficulties to become safe and independent eaters by providing school staff with student-specific recommendations while in the school setting.
Our goal is to keep children safe while eating and drinking at school, ensure adequate nutrition for optimal learning, and work toward student independence during mealtime.
We will consult with and educate school staff as needed to ensure proper supervision and the safest environment possible.
Learn more about our Feeding and Swallowing services, request training or complete a student referral. Feeding and Swallowing Services
Learn more about our Safe at Lunch Program for all students. Safe at Lunch Program
Richael Fertig
Supervisor of Special Education
724.287.4156 ext. 1331
Stacy Edwards
Speech-Language Pathologist
Amy Miller
Speech-Language Pathologist
Speech-Language Pathologist
724-458-6700 Ext 1324