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The BrainSTEPS (Strategies Teaching Educators, Parents, and Students) Brain Injury School Re-Entry Consulting Program assists educational staff and families in creating educational plans for students following a traumatic acquired brain injury such as a concussion, or a non-traumatic brain injury (brain tumor, stroke, etc).  BrainSTEPS teams support districts and families in the following ways: creating your own Concussion Managemnt Team(CMT), school re-entry planning; intervention selection; educational plan development; educator, peer and family trainings; annual monitoring until graduation; and resource sharing.

Midwestern Intermediate Unit IV is one of thirty BrainSTEPS teams based out of intermediate units and school districts across the state.  Our team is comprised of parents, school nurse, educational consultants, special education supervisors, a school psychologist, a school social worker, special education teachers, an occupational therapist, a physical therapist, and a speech/language pathologist.  

Student referrals, training requests, and re-entry planning needs may be addressed to Bryda Drumm.


Learn more about creating your own Concussion Managment Team(CMT). 


BrainSTEPS Links


Richael Fertig
Supervisor of Special Education
724.287.4159 ext. 1331

Bryda L. Drumm LSW, H&SV
Social Worker
724.458.6700 ext. 1218