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Act 89 Staff


Terry Brock is a Resource teacher at St. Michael School, Stoneboro Wesleyan, Saint John Paul II, and Grove City Christian Academy. Terry holds certifications in elementary, special education, and reading. (

Brittany Deer is a speech and language therapist for Penn Christian Academy, St. Gregory School, and  Portersville Christian School.   (

Kathy Dlugonski is a resource teacher for St. Kilian Catholic School and Holy Sepulcher.  Kathy holds certifications in reading, special education, and a principal certification. (

Rhett Fertig is a certified school counselor for Butler Catholic School, His Kids Christian School, St. Gregory School, St. Luke Lutheran School, (

Jan Fitz is a resource teacher for Penn Christian Academy, Butler Catholic, and St. Luke Lutheran School. Jan is certified in elementary education, special education, and is a reading specialist (

Alisha Dovey is a resource teacher for Kennedy Catholic Middle/High School, Portersville Christian School, First Baptist Christian School, and North Catholic High School.  Alisha is certified in secondary mathematics. (

Diana Guntrum is a resource teacher at North Catholic High School, and Saint John Paul II Elementary.  Diana holds certifications in elementary and special education, as well as reading. (  

Amanda Hoban serves as the Act 89 Behavior Coach who works with nonpublic administrators, staff, and students in Mercer, Butler and Lawrence counties to help determine student needs based on collected data, teacher interviews, and direct observations. Additionally, Amanda provides individualized recommendations to help increase student success within their school and home environment.  Amanda is certified in special education and is a reading specialist. (  

Katy Hudak is a speech and language therapist for Grove City Christian Academy, New Castle Christian Academy, Faith Country Chapel, St. Michael School, Stoneboro Wesleyan, and St. John Paul II Elementary School. (

Jacob Graham serves as the Act 89 Behavior Coach who works with nonpublic administrators, staff, and students in Mercer, Butler and Lawrence counties to help determine student needs based on collected data, teacher interviews, and direct observations. Additionally, Amanda provides individualized recommendations to help increase student success within their school and home environment.  Jacob is certified in health and physical education and special education. (  

Marie Farkas is a resource teacher for His Kids Christian School, Penn Christian Academy, and Portersville Christian School. She is certified in special education and is a reading specialist. (

Laura Kleemook is a certified school counselor for St. John Paul II Elementary School, Saint Michael School, Saint Kilian Catholic School, and Kennedy Catholic Middle/High School. (

Erica Mackey is a resource teacher for New Castle Christian Academy, First Baptist Christian School, and Saint Gregory School.  She is certified in special education and early childhood education.  She also holds a certification as a reading specialist and coach. (

Elizabeth Musulin is a resource teacher for New Castle Christian School, St. Wendelin School, and Kennedy Catholic Middle/High School. Elizabeth is certified in elementary education, library science and is a reading specialist. (

John Myers is a speech & language therapist for Holy Sepulcher School, Heart Prints Education Center and St. Kilian Catholic School. (

Karen Nicholas is a speech & language therapist for Butler Catholic School, First Baptist Christian School, His Kids Christian School, St. Luke Lutheran School, and St. Wendelin School (

Brittany Schneider is a certified school counselor at North Catholic High School.  (   

Sarah Tonty is a certified School Psychologist who works with all Nonpublic administrators, staff, students and parents in Mercer, Lawrence, and Butler Counties.  MIU IV Nonpublic School Psychological Services are provided to assist nonpublic schools in educating students who experience academic and/or behavioral challenges. (

LeeAnn Wisman is a certified school counselor at St. Kilian Parish School and Holy Sepulcher.  (