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Social Worker


Social Work Support Services, provided by MIU IV, are designed to support districts in addressing the needs and/or barriers of student’s preschool- 12th grade. 

Referrals to support services and agencies
MIU IV Social Worker can provide school personnel and families information and linkages to community services and resources such as; Medical Assistance, social security, housing, WIC, mental health and behavioral health agencies and services etc.

The social worker can serve as a liaison between school, home, and agencies to help bridge a gap between service providers. Social workers can be available to provide consultation to district staff and/or families individually or at educational and agency meeting’s. Educational meetings may include; SAP, IEP, or informal meetings. 

Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse Training Act 126/31
A MIU IV social worker can provide the Pennsylvania Family Support Alliance’s 3-hour training session. This training reviews the elements of child abuse including the legal definitions of a child, perpetrator, categories, and indicators of abuse. This training provides an overview of mandated reporting obligations including how to make a report, protections for those who report and the liability for failing to report. This training is approved by the PA Departments of Education, Human Services and State (Acts 126 and 31).  A participant manual is required at a cost of $3.50 from Pennsylvania’s Family Support Alliance otherwise there is no fee to have the social worker conduct the training.

ACT 71 Youth Suicide Awareness and Prevention
More Than Sad: Suicide prevention education for educators and school personnel. This 2-hour program teaches educators to recognize the signs of mental health and distress in students and help refer them for help.

QPR-Question, Persuade, Refer: Participants trained in QPR learn how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to question, persuade, and refer someone to get help.  2 hours. Cost is $3.50 per participant for QPR materials.

Clcik Here to Learn More About Professional Development Opportunites at MIU IV  



Department Contacts

Sara Joseph

Sara Joseph, MSW, LSW

Social Worker
